Friday 6 July 2012

Good Enough Isn't

UFO House Doha I Drum Scan Revisited

Some images you will work harder on than others. Your better images are more important to get right because they are the ones that really have potential to affect people. Some images just don't have anything going for them. However much work you put into them you are essentially, as they say, polishing a turd. For the good ones, however, it can take a lot of work to get it close to where you think it should be. But it should always be as close as you can make it.

This can be quite a burden. Sometimes an image is taken as far as it can go and you later learn something which it suddenly occurs to you will let you take a certain image an important step forward. You return to the image and now you find that the only way to improve the image is to do all the work again this time incorporating whatever it is that you have learned. This is almost always considerably more work than whatever considerable work you already invested in the image. The temptation is just not to bother. It's good enough.

There is no "good enough" in art.

The above picture is now much closer to where it always should have been. It is my hope that I will always have the courage to return to images that need it.

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